Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sorry I wasn't their today (Sunday) I was REALLY SICK on Saturday and I am still slightly today. But anyways I hope you got to see the end of the gold medal U.S. vs. Canada Olympic Hockey game. It went into overtime and Canada won 3-2. But anyways I have a major question. Why in the name of Sam Hill did you bring me chapter 16! I will not edit it until you tell me why.
I have another question that is probably bigger. What did Mr. Romer say?
On your book. I cannot wait to start reading Revir Moon 2. That sounds like an enormous prologue. And what is the forgotten blade? I am anxious to know. I am though not going to see you this Sunday. For me, Allison, and my parents are flying up to Colorado on Thursday and will be coming back late Sunday.
About my Revir Moon rip off. I probably shouldn't call it that for their are only a few aspects of it are similar to your book. I'm still working out who the villain will be but I hope to give you a synopsis when I get back from my vacation. I will still be in touch since my dad is bringing his laptop.
And lastly about the adds I wasn't really making any money of of em' so it wasn't really a loss.

Your friend,

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