Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Thank you for all the comments. MFP please send me the video again because it either didn't go through or you didn't send it. Please send it again and I will post it on MM blog.
I also hope we save this book more than SE. (It's getting hilarious on how many abbreviations we use):).
Thank you FFP for finally getting me your book. Right now I will get you chapter one of Turmoil. I might have Chapter one of 2020 ready but its only slightly possible. Please send me that video ASAP.
By the way about your book. I will have edited chapters 3,5,7,8, and 0the Prologue. I shredded up chapter 7 pretty bad. I also have a suggestion for your book FFP I suggest that sometime in book two that you kill off Augustine. This is out of no ill will towards him just that it would make the hero's plight sink very low and for me I like it when good characters die. Its makes the book more real. Now I'd also like sheave to get chopped up into small bits. Don't try to make him do a 180 I want him to die, die, die. :)


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